Simple trick to log into two facebook accounts at the same time…
You’ve seen a lot of people do it. You tried logging in to two different Facebook accounts, but some how your browser doesn’t let you through ?
It’s simple. Use different browsers for different accounts, ie. login to facebook with one account using Internet Explorer, which is a part of your Windows OS installation.
You can download and install firefox and use firefox to login to the second account.
If you can use more browsers like Opera, you can login to facebook with more accounts.
Try these suggestions if you still are not able to login to more than one Facebook account at the same time :
PersePhone has a solution too:
there is a couple of things you can do
1. download firefox and then use firefox and internet explorer to login into Facebook
2. download firefox and then create different profiles and you can load as many facebook accounts ( just add -profilemanager -no-remote to the end of the firefox target) this can be found by right clicking firefox icon on desktop and then select properties and then you will see a title called target just add -profilemanager -no-remote to the end of the path of firefox with a space between the end and -profilemanager -no-remote then click apply and ok then when yoy click firefox icon a box will come up and that will show all your profiles just create new ones name it what ever you want then there you go there isn’t a limit to how many you do and you can launch them all at once too
pretty much there isnt much you can do for this and facebook allways makes it harder because of all the duds accounts ect.
Also Read : Can Two People Be Logged Into The Same Facebook Account At The Same Time ?
Latest update: All those who were logging to someone else’s account at the same time when they were logged in may not be able to do so. Facebook has improved their security, as a result of which users can know聽who else is logging into their FaceBook account and from which computer.
Fermen says
My mom and dad have always use one iPad to login to the Facebook app. Now, they can’t do that any longer. Usually, I am the tech guru and have most of the answers to ALL of their questions 馃檨 Feel bad for them…. do you have a solution for this problem? Thank you for any help you, or anyone else, may provide!!!!
daniel says
i think i win with this infomation
Me says
Google Chrome lets you do this. I go to Facebook and login, then go to settings, incognito new window. Go to on the new window and login.
Melonie says
I use both my personal Facebook account and work Facebook account at the same time, all the time. Is there a program where I can use & get notification from both accounts at the same time with separate icons on my desktop? Also is there an app for your phone to do this on the road>
jehangir says
hi, i have facebook credits in one account, can i transfer them to an other account ? or is there a way to use my facebook credits from an other of my facebook account to buy something from the apps?
janet watson says
after creating my another facebook i have lost my first facebook. now can’t login my first fb
Cynthia Hindmarch says
I am on someone else’s facebook account who used my computer to log in, now I can’t get on my own.
KeWaL says
Use Google Chrome,
Press Ctrl + Shift + N (New INCOGNITO Window)
Geek Shehab says
friend instead of using google chrome i would advise you tu use mozilla Firefox… a better browser with a very good browsing speed and aall types of EXTENSIONS…..
[p/s; read the comment #50….. thank you…
Geek Shehab says
@robin kiesler
no that wont delete it.. after u deactivate ur profile .. when ever u want u can just type n ur email adress and ur password[ the ones that you used before] and VOILA! you have ur old ACCOUNT IN front of you…
Geek Shehab says
Hello Friends….
Here is a tutorial to use Multi Login with Mozilla Firefox.
1. You Must Download Mozilla Add Ons in the following link: (This Mozilla Add-Ons allows us to open Internet Explorer Tabs through Mozilla.)
2. Click Download -> Add To Firefox -> Install -> Restart Mozilla Firefox
To open your other account, open a blank new tab, or
press on the keyboard CTRL + T.
In a new tab, see Bottom Right, click the logo for Mozilla Firefox, then. An Internet Explorer tab opens. Type the address you want visit in the Address bar browser, such as Facebook, Mail,Twitter and so forth.
robin kiesler says
will deleting an account user delete the facebook account as well
robin kiesler says
our computer crashed..we got it back we have 2 facebook accounts…i want 2 delete one an keep one how do i do not lose them both…
aricssondabest says
@aqsa you could do it with the same browser open the settings and it says new incognite window click and a a new tab will open it should let you sign into it with a different account
Gautam says
@Aqsa- you have to use two different browsers. The session ID will be same for a particular browser which will never let you log into two different accounts.
ramesh says
yes its working
Aqsa says
I cannot open two acc on one browser(btw mine is google chrome)
And this causes me a big problem 馃檨
Can anyone tell what to do?
neha says
Thankz everyone….I can do this very easy at the same time….
don says
I use multifox addon on firefox. You can download it from
The best thing is, it’s very easy to use. I hope this help.
vaishnavi says
thanx foe this help it helped me a lot
DaddyVeNoM says
OMFG lol
i’ve never would have thought about it and its so easy…
goddamn thanx man!
Asebis says
Use Internet Explorer 7
oby lois hope says
hi friends
Facedekk says
You can use Facedekk for iPhone, iPod and iPad to manage multiple Facebook accounts and pages. Check it out at
Chemwile says
Its really simple with Firefox,. You can login to Multiple account in multiple tabs on Firefox using Firefox plugin MultiFox. Google and download the plugin!!
abesh jha says worked
annie says
wow dats gr88 i can do it 馃檪
hi my name is
monica williams
Gautam says
@jj – you should be able to do so, provided you know her password and both of you login at the same time.
jj says
Facebook can I sing in the same account on Facebook when my girlfriend is on it she on the com.. and I’m on the phone
waiyan says
hello, i also got alittle problem with facebook, coz i have used two account by only one mail . . i mean not the same name in there , first one is whenever i login got anytime, but the second one was cnt used aldy ,, how to i get back my second one??? if u don’t mind give me some advice pls . . . thank you . . .
Gautam says
@PersePhone – Thanks for the second tip. Though I haven’t tried it, I’m curious to try it out now. I’m updating the post with your comment.
Cheers !
persephone says
perfect! works all the time! 馃槈
Gautam says
Supongo que es un problema exclusivo de Windows 7. Sin embargo, es posible que desee comprobar si es el problema de conexi贸n. Intente conectar un ordenador port谩til que tiene Windows XP y ver si el problema persiste. H谩gamelo saber y voy a tratar de buscar una soluci贸n a su problema.
laureano.g says
hola me e cansado de leer y a ninguno le aparece este problema yo habro 2 fb diferente con didtintos exploradores y en uno de los 2 me aparecen conectados los contactos y despues de 30 segundos se desconectan y en la otra cuenta siguen conectados. sera por que tengo windows 7 que teiene ese comportamiento? ojala alguien tenga la respuesta
TalhaDX says
Hi,, I used different browsers. It works. I use IE8 & firefox 3.6.
And i had open 2 facebook accounts on both of them.
Gautam says
@Donna – are you both using the same system ? If yes, then you’ll have to log out from your account before he can access his. If you are using different systems, then you’ll have to uncheck the option which keeps you logged in by default. That should help.
Let me know how it goes.
Donna says
Everytime I log onto FB I get my account on our computer, but then my husband can’t log on, because my account automatically comes up. How do we go back and forth on our FB accounts using the same computer? thanks
greta kapadia says
I have 2 accounts.need to be permananly deleted.I use
thegame says
It works for me.. just disabled import to each browser.. thanks
Gautam says
@Lisa – this method works for a few and at times doesn’t. Not able to figure why it doesn’t, but so far when ever I’ve tried, it’s worked for me.
lisa says
there is a way, but I forgot where i found the how to do it site, was hoping it would be here, actually running to facebooks though firefox, now
john says
before i can open 5 and up account on facebook,but i experience log in the poker when i started to accept requests from others and i download a new version of internet explorer but after that i had the same thing with sir ANDRE ABI Chedid. when i am openning another 1 it goes to the same account, what can i do to that?
A. Moynihan says
one question many different answers. Oh, yea! Cool…
A. Moynihan says
The answer for me is very simple. I let my husband login to facebook from “My favorites” drop down menu that we have compiled for the internet. But, than for me I just go into “My Folders” file I called “keepers” that I made up in my e-mail account and there I saved a “notification” from a friend that wrote on my wall, than I go into that saved “notification” hit on facebook’s own url in that e-mail that you are directed to go into and bam you are at facebook’s sign in. Then just put your own e-m address and password in and click into your own account. Hope the explanation is not to convoluted.
bruce says
that’s coooool!!!
BDx437 says
well nvm Shannon had it here already…. lol… silly me..
BDx437 says
I hope i could help with ending all the questions about how to logging on facebook with multiple accounts. the answer is here at was doing this with and….
Shannon says
there is a couple of things you can do
1. download firefox and then use firefox and internet explorer to login into Facebook
2. download firefox and then create different profiles and you can load as many facebook accounts ( just add -profilemanager -no-remote to the end of the firefox target) this can be found by right clicking firefox icon on desktop and then select properties and then you will see a title called target just add -profilemanager -no-remote to the end of the path of firefox with a space between the end and -profilemanager -no-remote then click apply and ok then when yoy click firefox icon a box will come up and that will show all your profiles just create new ones name it what ever you want then there you go there isnt a limit to how many you do and you can launch them all at once too
pretty much there isnt much you can do for this and facebook allways makes it harder because of all the duds accounts ect.
Thank you if you like this comment me
Azam says
Install firefox and login to second facebook there, or install opera and then use third facebook.
Differnt browsers will do the trick
Tousiv says
Thanks 4 sharing
ZAF says
I did this for all of 2009 with my wife signing on on AOL while I signed on mine on IE si it did work. However when FB switched to the new format in Feb 2010 it stopped. If I sign on on IE while she’s already signed on in AOL, hers switches to mine. Very frustrating.
Gloria says
@Andre Abi Chedid
Andre, I did a little research on it, because it was happening to me too, and I figured out that facebook doesn’t work on it anymore. for whatever reason.
Karai says
Gautam says
@Momon – Thanks for sharing.
Momon says
Using Google Chrome as a browser, log on to your first FB account.
And open new incognito window, will allow you to logon to second FB account.
Gautam says
@Andre – I doubt if there is anything that can be done. Will keep you posted if I find anything.
Andre Abi Chedid says
usually, i log in to different accounts (mine and my wife’s account) at the same time using different windows of explorer.
i just updated the windows internet explorer, and trying to do the same today, it’s loging me off from the account i open whenever i try to open the second one. is there any option in the tools or any solution for this?
thanks and regards
Gautam H N says
Sanju Can you try some and let me know if any of them help the users login to two different account from the same browser, but two different tabs ?
Sanjit says
G! There are a couple of Firefox addons that allow multiple HTTP sessions. 馃檪 I don’t face-the-book any more so don’t have them installed! 馃槢