asdf jkl; keys are not working in my desktop / laptop I recently gave solution for a similar problem. In the previous case the keys: qweruiop were not working. The solution for asdfjkl; keys not working is just the same. The problem once again seems to be with dirt settled in your keyboard and mostly has nothing to do with a faulty keyboard. Please check this post … [Read more...] about Home asdfjkl; Keys Not Working – Dell, HP, Sony, Compaq, Toshiba
asdf jkl;
Keys qwer uiop Not Working, Rest Other keys Are Working Fine – Laptop, Desktop
Keys q,w,e,r,u,i,o,p / 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,0 / a,s,d,f,j,k,l,; Not Working, Rest Other keys Are Working Fine in Laptops And Desktops Finally, found a solution to get the keyboard working!! This seemed to be a very common problem with laptops and desktops. Compaq, HP, MAC, Sony, Dell, name a brand and they would have had this problem at some point or other! Specific keys … [Read more...] about Keys qwer uiop Not Working, Rest Other keys Are Working Fine – Laptop, Desktop